The long awaited change in H2 maths has been introduced. The old syllabus was the 9740, and now the 2017 syllabus will be the 9758 and introduce new changes into the system. Our H2 math tuition will implement all these amendments to the fullest to benefit the students. The latest syllabus change was in 2024, with major sections removed from the syllabus.
Sequence and Series
Students who will come for our H2 math tuition will notice that recurrence has been removed in the new syllabus while mathematical induction has been moved to further mathematics.
Complex Numbers
Loci and De Moivre’s Theorem have been removed in the new syllabus and will not be offered in our H2 math tuition classes.
Functions and Graphs
The new syllabus has no change for functions, but H2 Maths 9758 mentions that math learners do not have to learn domain restriction for the composite to exit. On the other hand, students must be able to come up with the range of composite functions. For graphs, the y2= f(x) transformation has been removed in the new syllabus while more emphasis has been placed on conics. Another avenue that has been affected by the new curriculum is inequalities; they have more content and focus more on absolute function. Some students learnt about this in our H2 math tuition, but the new syllabus states it explicitly.
Differentiation does not have many changes under the new system, and students can expect real-world optimisation problems. Integrations and Maclaurin’s remain the same but in an application, finding the volume using parametric equations will not be tested. The family of curves is no longer inside the differential equations though some problems can require pupils to employ the curve in analysis: students will quickly learn these mathematical problems in our H2 math tuition classes. This is another topic in the new H2 Maths syllabus that is real world.
The new syllabus does not have many changes in the vectors avenue. Vectors remain a key part of H2 Maths 9758, and our H2 math tuition tutors will guide you vigilantly through the parts when testing something.
The new plan has removed Poisson distribution but has introduced general discrete for random variables: students are therefore advised to appreciate it discretely. This means that for our H2 math tuition, there will be no more approximation and no free marks for performing continuity corrections. The new syllabus will not have T-Test and the r2=b1b2 will no longer be used.
The new syllabus will also see a change in the question styles: for paper one and paper two, there will be two questions relating to the application of mathematics in the real world. At Math Academy, your child will learn all the new changes in our H2 math tuition classes. Your child will also have the chance to understand and integrate the new styles in small group H2 math tuition programme.