Our class size for lower secondary is kept at a max of 7 students. Classes taught by experienced teacher Ms Raine Ang, who holds a degree from NUS, major in Mathematics.
At Math Academy, we ensure that the foundation is built right for sec 1 and sec 2 students taking G3 Math to progress into upper secondary. We instill confidence in our students and show them the right way to solve complicated math problems.
Our key focus at lower secondary is in algebra, an area where students find it difficult to grasp, transiting from primary math to secondary math. Our experience tells us that a student strong in algebra will naturally grow confidence in the subject and go on to do well in future.
Hear from our Alumni
What can you expect from the class?
Classes are 1.5 hours long.
In the first half of the lesson, Ms Raine Ang will be teaching the topic, using her own set of notes. No pre-learning from school is required.
These notes are a culmination of years of efforts, summarizing the key concepts and examination questions, presented in a concise manner.
In the second half of the lesson, students will be provided with worksheets relevant to the teachings of that lesson.
These questions reflect the trend of examination questions in recent years, carefully selected from school examination papers.
Students are expected to complete them before the next lesson.
Ms Ang will be marking their work, carefully writing down the mistakes and clarifying doubts with the students.
Together with Ms Ang’s dedication in marking every single piece of homework, students, in return, are expected to work doubly hard.
Transition from Primary School to Lower Secondary G3 Math
We have identified 3 main areas for which lower secondary students struggle and we seek to address these issues during our weekly math tuition classes.
1) There is a fundamental concept shift from Primary school mathematics to lower secondary mathematics. The key difference is the transition from model based approach in primary school, to algebra in lower secondary. Students struggle in this concept change, especially for students who are more visual in nature and are used to the model approach.
2) One immediate application that follows from algebra is the introduction of graphs. Students are required to identify and sketch curves, which could be a tall order, especially for students who were already struggling with the fundamentals of algebra.
3) Introduction of trigonometry. Most of us will remember this as a problematic chapter, especially when we are first introduced to it. Sine, cosine, tangent – together with their respective properties and identities. Yes we know its a nightmare, but only if you are not taught the right way to handle it.
The Math Academy Systematic Approach to Ensure Smooth Transition

1) Algebra is about understanding the required steps, and the order for which to execute them. We focus on step-by-step approach, listing out the steps clearly so that students are able to understand and commit to memory. For example, for algebraic factorisation, we teach students the following:
Step 1: Take out any common factor
Step 2: Count the number of terms:
a) If it is 2 terms, we use the forumla a^2 – b^2.
b) If it is 3 terms, we use cross factorisation
c) If it is 4 terms, this is more complicated. We will have to split it to either groups of 2 terms each, or groups of 1 and 3 terms respectively.
Coupled with our carefully designed worksheets meant to reinforce these concepts, these steps become muscle memory for our students. It is a series of systematic and rigorous approach that we adopt, to gradually instill confidence, moving consistently in the correct direction.
2) Sketching of graphs can be daunting, but thats only if the student is unclear of whats required of them to get the necessary marks. We not only teach the foundational concepts behind graphs, we point out the key features required to be labelled. For example, for quadratic curve sketching, it is important for students to understand the need to show the x and y intercepts, as well as the turning points. It is not just about scoring the points, but also, these labels enables students to draw nice complete graphs with a good symmetrical shape.
3) The all important TOA CAH SOH. The mere memorising of this mnemonic is insufficient. Students must know how to identify the sides, opposite, adjacent and hypotenuse. This could be easy for seasoned mathematical learners, however, beginners tend to struggle with this identification. Once this is made clear to students, they are able to grasp the remaining chapter with ease.
What do our students say?
To read more about students’ experience and their successful stories, vist math academy testimonials to find our more.
For the latest time slots and schedule, click math academy timetable to visit the timetable page.
Below is a list of topics that are covered in Sec 1 maths tuition:
Sec 1 Maths Tuition |
1. Factors and Multiples |
2. Real Numbers |
3. Approximation and Estimation |
4. Introduction to algebra |
5. Algebraic Manipulation |
6. Simple equations in one variable |
7. Simple Inequalities |
8. Number Patterns |
9. Ratio, Rate and Speed |
10. Percentage |
11. Angles and Parallel Lines |
12. Triangles and Polygons |
13. Coordinates and Linear Graph |
14. Perimeters and Areas of Plane Figures |
15. Volume and Surface Area of Solids |
16. Data Handling |
Below is a list of topics that are covered in Sec 2 maths tuition:
Sec 2 Maths Tuition |
1. Proportion |
2. Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions |
3. Simple Algebraic Fractions |
4. Quadratic Functions and Equations |
5. Linear Equations in Two Variables |
6. Congruence and Similarity |
7. Pythagoras’ Theorem |
8. Mensuration of Pyramids, Cones and Spheres |
9. Trigonometric Ratios of Acute Angles |
10. Data Analysis |
11. Probability |